Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I definitely am looking forward to a new year

I am not usually big on the whole new years thing. I have always been indifferent on the change of numbers, but to me life was still the same. This year on the other hand has a different meaning to me. Don't take me wrong I am not going to sit here and complain over and over again about my year to this point. Because in all reality it has not been a horrible year by any means. At no point this year have I not had a job to go to or food to eat or gas in my car to travel. So in all rights I am not complaining because I have no cause to. So when it comes to the worldly matters I have had a great year. On the spiritual side of things it has been quite different. This whole year it has seemed that I have been two-three steps behind in my walk with God. It has taken me (the stubborn idiot I am) a year to figure out the solution to that was to stop and go to God and dig into His Word to realize where my walk has been off. The last few weeks it seems like everytime I turn on the radio the song "Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real has come on. In the song it says

Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace

Complete chaos is pretty much my emotional and spiritual year in review, but just as it states there has been a complete peaceful feeling about it all. I know that God has been working in me all year and all year I have been fighting. I have tried to do stuff that I thought would make me happy without asking Him to guide me into situations and by using my judgment alone have made some pretty stupid moves this year. The next part of the song that has hit me is the very next lyric that says

Time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Reevaluate who I really am
Am I doing everything to follow Your will
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills
So show me what it is You want from me
I give everything I surrender...

To me that has become what new years is this year. Even though I know that the new year does not delete anything from this year it does show that it is a time for new beginnings. I believe that this year is going to bring about good things. I know that whatever God's plan is it will work out for His glory and His glory alone. So with this new year I am looking forward to whatever it is God has in store for me. I know that the trials of this last year will only make me stronger for the trials of the new. I feel that God has great things planned for me not only this year but for every year to come. My goal this year is not to be more adamant in my Bible study or prayer life or any of the many other cliches you hear this time of year. My one goal is to live in Christ alone and to not let the old in me rise up again as it did many times this year.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Time

No I am not going to give a speech on telling everyone you see Merry Christmas. That should be natural. I do however believe that non-Christians should not be forced to say Merry Christmas (because to me that is frankly blasphemy). On the other hand ALL Christians should not have to think twice about it. With that said I thought I would share what Christmas means to me. Up until around three years ago I never really understood what Christmas was. I used to think of Christmas time as running to get presents (stuff that people really do not need and probably do not want) and families getting together for a good meal. The latter is great but sometimes the first one gets in the way of everything. We get caught up in all of the other stuff and forget or never actually understand that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to be born for one sole purpose. We all have sinned this is made clear in Romans 3:23. That sin is punishable by eternal separation from God in hell. Christ died on the cross to make the one and only was of salvation possible. (Romans 5:8; John 14:6) Christmas time reminds me of two of the greatest things to ever happen in mankind’s history. The greatest gift ever given in God giving His Son. (John 3:16) and Christ giving His life for us. That my friends is an amazing love and love is the true meaning of Christmas. So when you think about Christmas this year remember what exactly you are commemorating on that day. And if you do not know Christ today is the day of salvation. Repent and turn to Jesus in submissive faith.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

been awhile

When I started this blog (6 months ago) my plan was to post at least once a week. Wow I failed at that one. So to start over I am now going to post at least once a week. Guess we will see how that turns out.